Sunday, December 27, 2009

Selamat Tahun Baru 2010 / Hijrah 1431


Saya doakan kepada seluruh sahabat-sahabat INSEP RKA semoga sihat ceria dan cergas sepanjang hari.

Hari-hari yang kita lalui dalam tahun 2009 akan berlabuh tidak lama lagi.

Tahun baru masihi 2010 akan tiba beberapa hari sahaja lagi. Harapan agar segala yang telah dirancang dalam tahun 2009 telah tercapai.

Maka, azam baru di tahun baru akan muncul semula. Apa azam tahun baru kalian? Moga-moga dapat kita kongsikan bersama di sini. Ini kerana kehidupan itu adalah suatu perkongsian.

Mana mungkin kita boleh hidup seorang diri tanpa bantuan daripada manusia lain. Walaupun kita sudah agak jarang bersua muka dan berbual bersama-sama tetapi kita masih tetap mampu berkongsi kisah perjalanan hidup masing-masing di alam cyber ini.

Untuk pengetahuan semua, saya sudah memulakan tugas di Jabatan Pemasaran PTS. Mungkin ada yang tertanya-tanya, apa itu PTS.

PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd adalah sebuah syarikat bumiputera yang menerbitkan buku-buku bahasa melayu. Pelbagai tajuk dan kategori buku yang telah diterbitkan dan sudah sedia dibeli di kedai-kedai buku seluruh Malaysia.

Syarikat ini cukup komited memartabatkan bahasa melayu sebagai medium bahasa ilmu dan bahasa perdagangan. Saya di sini juga merasa aura kesungguhan ini dan terpanggil-panggil untuk bersama menjadikan bahasa melayu ini adalah bahasa nusantara yang unggul di persada dunia.

Saya percaya rakan-rakan boleh mengikuti perkembangan saya dan syarikat PTS ini di laman sesawang ini:- atau boleh membeli di

Sekali lagi, saya berdoa kepada kalian agar terus memburu cita-cita dan mencapai segala impian hidup. Bersama kita menjadi masyarakat yang menjadikan ilmu sebagai teras kemajuan bangsa.

Saya juga mohon ampun dan maaf jika sepanjang perkenalan kita pada tahun 2009 telah menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati, berkecil hati atau terguris hati, saya sekali lagi mohon ampun dan maaf.

Kita bina harapan, impian dan laksanakan matlamat itu dalam tahun 2010 dengan rasa syukur dan penuh bersemangat.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Walimatulurus Yusuf & Kamariah.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kehangatan Peraduan Semakin dirasai.

Petikan dari

Inilah rupa sebenar kotak peraduan yang bakal diletakkan di kedai-kedai buku terpilih yang turut serta dalam peraduan.
Kotak ini akan mula dihantar ke kedai-kedai buku terlibat mulai hari ini.
Bagi anda yang membeli buku, jangan lepaskan peluang menyertai peraduan dengan mengisi borang peraduan yang ada di kedai buku ataupun muat turun daripada laman web peraduan ini.
Kemudian, masukkan borang peraduan itu ke dalam kotak peraduan yang tersedia di atas kaunter bayaran kedai buku terlibat.
Desain kotak peraduan ini dihasilkan oleh Tuan Hisham Salmin, pengarah seni, Jabatan Pemasaran PTS.

Contoh T-shirt yang akan dipakai sepanjang peraduan berlangsung.

Begitu Serasi

Assalamualaikum, Semua Sahabat-sahabat RKA INSEP fasa 1, UTHM.

Saya doakan kalian semua berada dalam keadaan sihat wal'afiat, ceria cergas dan ceria. Wadah yang ada dalam blog ini memberi ruang kepada saudara & saudari sekalian mengetahui tentang aktiviti-aktiviti Syarikat PTS, iaitu syarikat di mana saya menjalani Latihan Industri. Agak keterlaluan, jika saya mengatakan saya adalah seorang yang begitu aktif mengemaskini blog ini.Bukan untuk terlalu mendedahkan apa yang patut dibanggakan tetapi hanya sekadar berkongsi maklumat.

Ini semua dilakukan dengan niat untuk sama-sama kita senantiasa berhubung dan mengukuhkan silaturrahim yang ada. Saya cukup teruja sepanjang menjalani Latihan Industri di sini. Bukan hanya sekadar menimba ilmu malah mempelbagaikan kemahiran baru yang sepatutnya ada dalam diri saya. Perkara yang cukup membanggakan saya ialah komitmet rakan-rakan RKA yang senantiasa berhubung melalui aplikasi facebook.

Teruskan perhubungan ini, dan perkukuhkan silaturrahim antara kita. Secara kebetulan pula, warna baju korporat RKA ialah jingga, hitam & putih nampak serasi dengan tema warna Peraduan Saya Mahu Hadiah PTS: Baca & Menang!

Marilah kita sama-sama mendokong hasrat, visi dan misi PTS untuk memandaikan bangsa melalui media cetak. Saya mengalu-alukan rakan-rakan yang berminat untuk menulis, menghasilkan karya kreatif dengan terbitan Syarikat PTS. Sertai kursus-kursus yang di anjurkan oleh Pengasas Syarikat PTS, iaitu Puan Ainon Mohd.

daripada: Wahyudi bin Mohd Yatim
nombor telefon: 016 327 7515

Petikan Info dari UniversitiPTS

PTS Menubuhkan Unit Al-Quran

Pengurus PTS Islamika Sdn. Bhd., Tn. Faris Hasbullah memberitahu bahawa syarikat beliau sudah menubuhkan unit khas yang memfokuskan aktivitinya menerbitkan (i) pelbagai edisi al-Quran, (ii) Quran-Quran terjemahan, dan (iii) tafsir-tafsir Quran.

Sebagai permulaan adalah projek: (i) Terjemahan Quran ke dalam bahasa Iban dan (ii) Terjemahan Quran ke dalam bahasa Kadazan-Dusun. Dua projek ini sudah dimulakan.

Penubuhan unit ini memerlukan tenaga editorial yang pakar dalam (i) ilmu pengajian Quran, (ii) fasih membaca teks Arab dan (iii) menguasai Bahasa Melayu Tinggi dengan amat baik.

Petikan Info dari UniversitiPTS

Visi, Misi dan Dasar-dasar Korporat PTS

Setiap bisnes mempunyai dasar bisnes. Ada peniaga yang tidak menceritakan dasar bisnes mereka secara terang-terangan kepada kakitangannya, manakala ada yang melakukan hal itu secara rasmi.

PTS menerangkan secara rasmi kepada staf dasar-dasar bisnesnya. Tugas ini dilakukan oleh Akademi Latihan Penerbitan PTS (Akademi-PTS).

1. Visi PTS: Menjadi syarikat media ilmu yang sahamnya diperdagangkan di papan pertama Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur (BSKL).

2. Misi PTS: Menjadi penerbit bahan-bahan ilmu yang memandaikan bangsa.

3. Dasar perniagaan PTS: Mengamalkan urusniaga yang (i) bebas-rasuah dan (ii) syariah-compliant, (iii) membolehkan rakan-rakan niaganya sama-sama membuat keuntungan.

4. Dasar editorial PTS: Menerbitkan bahan-bahan bacaan yang (i) memandaikan bangsa, (ii) syariah-compliant dan (iii) menggunakan Bahasa Melayu Tinggi.

5. Budaya kerja PTS adalah:

(i) Mengutamakan kemahiran kooperatif dan saling hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain,

(ii) Mengutamakan kepentingan, kebaikan dan kebajikan pembeli dan pembaca produk-produk PTS,

(iii) Menghargai, memupuk dan melindungi bakat-bakat yang dimiliki oleh setiap anggota staf dan karyawan PTS,

(iv) Mengongsikan dan mengagihkan dengan adil keuntungan perniagaan dengan pemilik saham, staf, karyawan, agen dan pembeli produk-produk PTS,

(v) Membantu dan menolong penerbit-penerbit lain membangun dan mengembangkan bisnes mereka.

Friday, October 23, 2009

selamat tinggal

salam...bye kwn2..
sy dpt ckgu kt sekolah menengah vokasional beaufort sabah..
lapor diri 26/10/09
jmpa lg...

Peraduan Saya Mahu Hadiah PTS. Baca dan Menang

Bagi memeriahkan musim cuti sekolah bermula November hingga Disember 2009, PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd. bakal menganjurkan Peraduan Saya Mahu Hadiah PTS: Baca & Menang! Pelbagai hadiah menarik bernilai lebih daripada RM70 ribu terdiri daripada barang elektronik dan set perpustakaan mini menanti para pemenang. Peraduan ini melibatkan lebih daripada 200 kedai buku seluruh Malaysia.

Operasi peraduan; 21 November 2009 hingga 3 Januari 2010.

Layari bagi maklumat lanjut.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hari Raya at PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd 2009

with team Graphic Designer PTS Groups Company.

with Puan Ainon Mohd. Chairman of PTS Groups Company.

with Prof. Abdullah Hassan. Board of Director PTS Groups Company.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reformation Knowledge Association


The poll for RKA were ended at 15th October 2009 and the result for the poll is Reformation Knowledge Association. That is the other new name for RKA. To all RKA lets update and share whatever you are doing and feeling and add more information about "Reformation Knowledge Association".

Friday, October 9, 2009

pelaburan unit amanah

marilah melabur untuk masa depan..
masa depan merupakan cabaran kewangan yg x dpt dielakkan..

saya ajak kwn2 insep yg berminat nk melabur kt unit merupakan agent yang sah
unit amanah PUBLIC MUTUAL anak syarikat PUBLIC BANK yang mana merupakan fund manager unit trust no.1 di Malaysia. 28 tahun pengalaman dalam menguruskan kewangan unit amanah..ini adalah untuk simpanan jngka masa pjg..

sekiranya berminat dan ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut, hubungi saya..hilmi 0137058810

Give KPI for CEC staff....

Pertama, tentang L.O. Saya menerima sms dari En.Ramli pemgusaha bas sewa. Dua kali sms saya terima dari beliau tentang pembayaran L.O tersebut.

Sebaik sahaja kami (rka) balik dari lawatan ke K.Lumpur, pemandu bas dah meminta bantuan saya untuk menghantar L.O untuk bas sewa lawatan ke Kilang Sindora Kluang. Saya dah bagitau untuk L.O K.Lumpur belum boleh dapat cepat. Untuk L.O ke Kluang saya bantu beliau untuk maklumkan pada kakitangan CEC yang menguruskan tentang L.O ini.

Amanah saya untuk maklumkan perkara itu pada kakitangan CEC sudah pun saya sampaikan. Kemudian, sebelum hari raya saya terima sms dari En.RAmli bertanyakan status L.O tersebut. Saya pun beritahu bahawa saya telah pun maklumkan perkara ini pada kakitangan CEC.

Minggu lepas saya terima lagi sms dari En.Ramli. Bertanyakan perkara yang sama. Minggi ini, saya terima lagi sms yang sama.

Saya sudah maklumkan bukan hanya bercakap bersemuka, telefon dan sms kepada kakitangan CEC tersebut. Malah, saya hantar lagi pesanan ini melalui walls facebook dan message facebook.

Apa lembab kakitangan ini..!! KPI wajar diberi pada kakitangan ini. Tidak proaktif, tidak memahami kehendak pelanggan, tidak memahami situasi urusan perniagaan, tidak mampu mengurus masa dan mentadbir hal-hal pejabat.

Kedua, elaun para pelajar INSEP fasa 1, 2009, sekali lagi lambat untuk bulan ini. Kami para pelajar telah pun tinggal di merata Malaysia. Kami kena bayar duit sewa rumah, duit minyak petrol, duit makan minum dan sara diri, talian prabayar telekomunikasi.

Apakah wajar kami memberi KPI kepada kakitangan ini...

Langkah seterusnya, mendedahkan perkara ini kepada khalayak umum. Melalui media, blog dan penulisan yang berkesan.

Terima kasih puan, kerana sudi membaca rintihan hati ini.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Today, My first day in PTSMarketing

Assalamualaikum... to everyone.
Today is my first day in PTS Marketing department. Very interesting, all staff are so friendly and helpfull.
Very up to date office. High tech PC, and colourful envirolment.

I'm so motivated to give and share my info and experients.

After lunch, i follow one of PTS Marketing staff to make deal with Bison Store Sdn. Bhd for contest promotion.

Thank you.. i will continue share this info next session.


written by: wahyudi

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Assalamualaikum, Attention to ALL RKA!!!!!!!!!

You are suggested to update this blog and voting the poll for RKA. Informed that the closing date of the poll is 15 October 2009. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Contact List Our Lecturer

Puan Nik Shahidah = 019 7183 298 (Data Comm)

Cik Puan Munirah Ab Rahman = 013 6134 579 (Data Comm)

Encik Shaharil = 012 6151 046 (Data Comm)

Cik Puan Fazita = 012 7217 280 (English)

Encik Shamsul = 012 7516 042 (Head Division FKEE)

Puan Norfaizah Fuad = 012 7058 158 (mama RKA 2009)

Encik Zali = 012 7470 082 (Supervisor LI)

Encik Helmy = 012 7100 266 (Multimedia)

Encik Mohd Hamim = 019 7322 236 (Multimedia)

Encik Chew Chang Choon = 012 7261 111 (Embededd System)

Cik Puan Zarina = 012 7351 019 (Visual Basic)

for the rest not listed... i'm so sorry because not in my handphone memories.
Please, my colleagues add our lecturer name and phone numbers...

written by: wahyudi 0163277515

Give a try to click at this!

This is my opinion, would you like to come and see what i've see?
Oh, don't forget to left the comment. Only if its not burden you..
And you will get great thanks from me too if you like to comment in each post.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Think... and Think Carefully... i love you all.

We must be the most powerful youth in Malaysia. Use the Prosumer Concept to grow your income & strenght.

written by: wahyudi

Our "Prosumer Campaign" must go ON..

"i want to share to everyone... The Prosumer Concept is most powerful tools to counter the capatalist idealisme. We must protect our money.. and spending your money wisely. Especially, during festival time like Aidilfitri, Deepavali, Christmax and New Year 2010. We must discuss frequently to make sure we know our current issue and information"

Our 1st Week LI

Written by Mutmainah and Nor Haslinda

We've done our LI at MAIJ(Majlis agama islam johor). Last monday, we have been registered at MAIJ as a practical student and we are placed at IT Unit. Our activity in MAIJ:

Every morning: Tadarus (Alhamdulillah..hehe)..really..really shocked us but it is good activity

Monday: -Register as Practical Student From INSEP UTHM..many people didn't know what is there is a little bit explaination about INSEP (from us)
- we have short briefing from our Supervisor..everything complete..tip top!!
- he placed us in IT unit..we follow..pray us succeed in LI
- we facing a BIG BIG..and we think all of you outside facing it too..that is BORED..BORED..BOOOOREDDDDDD
- Go back (leteh badan)

Tuesday - Facing that problem again (u tgk i..i tgk u..huhu)
- suai kenal session..many ustaz in MAIJ (rupenye..)
- today is the lucky day..our boss treat us..tQ En.Mahfiz..tQ so muchhh

Wednesday - facing again (a little bit)
- our boss give a task..make HARI RAYA card
- we distribute dates to all people at Larkin Bus Station..very..emmm..tired

Thursday - We have "Majlis Khatam Quran" attended by Mufti Johor and all staff Pusat Islam Iskandar Johor
- continuing design card and boss accept it.
- today distribute dates to all people at KTM but we didn't join it
- facing that prob

Friday - Don't know yet

That's all from busy write..hehe
we really miss all RKA student so much...luv u laa...
wish u all a happy hari raya from Miss Fazita also (not forget..hehe)
lastly sorry for everything..(only if ok)
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI....(ghaye dtg umah eh..)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What should be avoided in Ramadan:

by syamsul bin basari

Whoever has missed a fast of Ramadan is liable to compensate it with fasting after Ramadan. This fast if called ‘the fast of Qada’.
Fast of qada’ may be observed any day during the year except for the following days:
(a) First of Shawwal (Eidul-fitr)
(b) Tenth of Zulhijjah (Eidul-adha)
(c) Eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth of Zulhijjah.
On these days fasting is strictly prohibited. So the fast of qada’ cannot be observed on these days.
Fast of Qada’ should be observed as soon as possible after one has missed a fast of Ramadan. Delaying the performance of qada’ without a valid reason is not desirable. If some one has missed more than one fast, he can perform qada’ for all of them continuously, or with intervals. But the fasts of kaffarah should necessarily be continuous without any interval. Any interval makes the previous fasts nullified for the purpose of kaffarah, and one has to begin the fasts all over again.
Unlike the fast of Ramadan and optional (Nafl) fasts, in the fast of Qada’ it is necessary to make niyyah before the dawn.
If a person has an obligation to keep a large number of the fasts of qada’ he should write down the exact number of the fasts due on him. He should also make a will that if he could not fast in his life time, his heirs should pay fidyah (redemption from obligation not carried out) from his left over property. The amount of fidyah for one fast is one kilo and six hundered sixty two grams of wheat or its price. If the amount of fidyah can be paid from one-third property of a deceased person who has made a will to pay fidyah, the heirs are bound to pay it from his left over property. But if the deceased made no will to pay fidyah, the heirs are not bound to pay it from his property. Similarly, if the amount of fidyah exceeds one-third of the property left by the deceased, the heirs are not liable to pay the excess, unless they wish to do so by their free will.


by syamsul bin basari fec01090175

One of the most meritorious aspects of the month of Ramadan is that it contains Laylatulqadr, the most blessed night of the year. It is the night, which Allah Almighty chose to reveal the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an has mentioned that this night is better than one thousand month. It means that the worship performed in this night brings more reward than the worship performed in one thousand months. The authentic Traditions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) mention that, in this night, Allah Almighty directs His special mercy towards the people of the earth, accepts the supplications made by His slaves and forgives a large number of people who repent and pray.
Laylatulqadr falls in one of the last five odd nights of Ramadan i.e. 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th. According to authentic sources, Laylatulqadr falls in any one of these nights alternately. The purpose of this Alternation is that one should spend all the five nights in worship and prayers, so that he may find Layalatuqadr with certainty.
No special form of worship is prescribed for Laylatulqadr. The night should be spent by offering as much nafl prayers as one can offer, in recitation of the Holy Qur’an, in dhikr and Tasbeeh, in supplication and in making sadaqah (charity.)It is not advisable in this night to hold ceremonies or meetings or delivering long lectures or illumination the mosque. This is a night meant for developing a special connection with one’s Creator, for offering acts of worship in solitude and seclusion, for having constant and exclusive contact with his Lord who is the Lord of the universe, for minimizing the diversity of thoughts and actions and for devoting oneself to Allah Almighty with his heart and soul.
This purpose can seldom be achieved in congregations and assemblies. That is why the Holy Prophet (PBUH) never tended to celebrate this night by lectures, meetings, and illumination or even by offering prayers in jama’ah. Instead, he used to perform acts of worship individually, and in solitude.
Sayyidah ‘Aishsh (R.) once asked the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as to what du’a (supplication) she should recite in the Laylatulqadr. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught her following du’a:Allah, You are surely most forgiving and You like forgiving, so forgive me.
The best way to benefit from the blessings of this night is to keep awake for the whole night and spend it in worship and prayers. But people who cannot do so for any reason should spare at least a considerable part of the night for acts of worship. At least 8 rak’at should be prayed after midnight as Tahajjud, some part form the Holy Qur’an should be recited and the supplications of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) should be offered. Any Dhikr or Tasbeeh should be constantly recited, specially the following Dhikr has numerous merits: Even when one is not in the state of wudu, the Dhikr and Tasbeeh may be recited. Similarly, the dhikr may also be performed during other states, when walking or in bed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Enjoyable Raya Day!!!! Raya day come again...yeah...yeah..
there is which made raya clothes berhelai piece because want to receive great..Fuhhh..great, remember mother rice cake and glutinous rice at village..impatient i want go back to hometown. Chicken and cow all nervous fear need to slaughter..hey..hey..Middle rendang and curry waiting to serve day great..
he..he..he.. finished cow and chicken

selamat hari raya..minta maaf banyak2 deh..for all student INSEP (RKA)
rom k.chik

Monday, September 14, 2009

My family in Raya Day

Written by Heryanti Kaman

Hari Raya Aidilfitri (or Hari Raya Puasa, which means "Celebration Day of Fasting") is the Malay coinage for the Muslim festival of Eid ul-Fitr (Ramadan Festival). All Muslims in this Malaysia would celebrate Eid ul-Fitr similar to the remaining Muslims all over the world. Typically on the day of the festivities, My family members, particularly the women, are seen quite occupied with cooking food, cakes, sweets, biscuits and several other delicacies to be used on the day of Hari Raya. Sumptuous and delicacies like ketupat or rice cake and a meat preparation termed rendang are some of the quite popular food items that are eaten on the festive occasion
Oil lamps known as the pelita or the sometimes we use canddle can be seen many days before the festival on my house compounds, more so in the country areas. This is seen most notably on the 27th night of Ramadan. During the morning time, My family members, particularly the men go for an Eid prayer and wear their traditional dresses. Men put on the ‘baju melayu’ and the women wear the ‘baju urung’,’Kebaya’ and the ‘Kebarung. Other customary wear include the songket and the batik. This also provides them the opportunity to meet each other and exchange Hari Raya festival pleasantries. Generally, as soon as the prayers are finished, we visit the graves of our beloved deceased, to pay their tributes. During this part, the graves are tidied and adorned with flowers, with recitals from the Holy Quran.
The remainder of the day of the Hari Raya festival is a holiday, and is utilized for meeting up and calling on relatives and loved ones. Duit Raya is a nominal sum of money that children get from adults on this day. It being a very joyous occasion, children get some money along with the sweet delicacies but for this year I cannot return to my Village because don’t have enough money to buy aircraft ticket


Written By Siti Talhah Md Tahar

The Baju Kurung and Baju Melayu is begin from the Malaysian state of Johore about 200 years ago. It styled and fashioned by the late HRH Sultan Abu Bakar of Johore in 1866. Baju Kurung Teluk Belanga names derive from Teluk Belanga (new name for Bandar Tajung Puteri). This Baju Kurung for man and woman was popular and official attire for the Johor Malays.

Now, The Baju Kurung is popular attire for all especially during Hari Raya. They are wearing the Baju Kurung not only when attending formal and ceremonial occasions, but also for the office. The Baju Kurung is very comfortable to wear anywhere in any weather. Even for fat and pregnant ladies, they will smart and elegant in wearing it.

So although it is the traditional Malay costume and appropriate wear and attire for traditional occasions like weddings, engagements and public functions, the Baju Kurung is also popular and worn daily by the masses for comfort.

Nowadays, even though the cut of the Baju Kurung is still the same, to add further elegance, color and charm to the dress, embroidery is sewn and added to the dress. Various motifs normally of colorful flowers are embroidered at the bottom and both sides of the buttoned front area of the dress.

Sequins and beads are sometimes added to create radiance, glows and glitters to the dress. This is especially so for the dresses of popular singers, music artists and other performers during shows and public performances.

Its simple cut is suitable for all, irrespective of race, anywhere in the world. No wonder then, in the streets and malls of modern Malaysia, we can still see the Baju Kurung in its entire splendor worn by women.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Defination of Prosumer

Prosumer is a portmanteau formed by contracting either the word professional or producer with the word consumer. The term has taken on multiple conflicting meanings: the business sector sees the prosumer (professional–consumer) as a market segment, whereas economists see the prosumer (producer–consumer) as having greater independence from the mainstream economy. It can also be thought of as converse to the consumer with a passive role, denoting an active role as the individual gets more involved in the process. More recently, in the mental health field, the word "'prosumer'" has come to mean "consumer/provider," also known as a "peer provider," such as a Peer support specialist or other mental health consumer who also provides peer support mental health services (background on peer-run mental health services).

info get from

Ijat, your acting was successful :-)

Ijat... i know, you are not crying.. you are laughing at that moment.. hehehehe...
anyway, i like your acting during interpersonel skill week. Good job, bro.

written by: yudi

Saturday, September 12, 2009

memories snap

from left; Cik Munirah, Puan Norfaizah & Wahyudi

Short briefing from Setiausaha Bahagian, Pusat Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi

Puan Norfaizah received souvenier from Tuan Haji Wahilman Siwar, Setiausaha Bahagian.

Cik Munirah received souvenier from Tuan Haji Wahilman Siwar, Setiausaha Bahagian.

Technical Visit at Pusat Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi Negeri Selangor

On 3rd September 2009, our RKA team visited Pusat Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi at Level 2, Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam.
These are technical visit to expose our knowledge & experients. We start our journey from parit raja early 6 am. Around 9.50 am we arrived at the building. We are so happy because our visit was warm welcome from Pusat Teknologi staff.

These visit finished around 1.30pm. We going back with souvenier from them.

written by; wahyudi

How to reduce pollution?

How to reduce pollution

The world is a gift from god.It is beautiful and calm and it is our responsibility to take care of it.But we, as human beings with brains who can think about the bad and good deeds don’t know how to protect it from being polluted.Pollution is a work of destroying the beauty of Mother Nature.Why do we do this? How can we save our mother nature from being polluted? The way is easy but it’s just hard to follow. But if we aim to do it.
We know that water is very important in our life.So, we should save the waters from being polluted.First of all, we shouldn’t throw rubbish into the rivers.The effect of this habit is very dangerous because some villagers use waters from the river for their living activities for example like cooking,washing clothes and others.If they use the polluted water,they may get sick.As a result,many people will suffer from dangerous discases.Other than that, when we throw rubbish into riversor drains,they will be clogged and this will lead to flash floods.So,to avoid it, we shoudn’t throw any kind of rubbish, toxic or chemicals into riversor drains.
In addition,the air is also very important in our life.We use air for breathing.without the air we can’t live.So, to make sure that we get fresh air,we should protect our air from being polluted.How do we do it? To reduce air pollution,we should stop open burning and also stop using products with CFCs.It will damage our ozone layer.As a result,we might get diseases like skin cancer.Other than that,we can use petrol without plumbum to avoid poisonous gases release into the air which causes air pollution.In addition,we also can plant more trees aroundour home to produce more oxygen.
We can recycle things like papers , bottles, cans and many more.If we don’t recycle, it many cause land pollution.For an example, paper can be used as tissue papers after the recycling process.This will help us to reduce land pollution and we can get a land with full of nutrients for agriculture.
Last but not least, we should keep our environment clean to protect our nature’s beauty where beauty and the freshness will be kept forever.

By Nurziha Bte Jaafar

Friday, September 11, 2009



Smoking habit can kill 1 billion this century insider. There is about billion worldwide smoker. More 80% of this figure is from lower income countries and medium. According World Health Organization, tobacco be one of most important cause on worldwide death. Is estimated that some 100 million dead due to use of tobacco in 20th century. In 21st century, are predicted that 1 billion people will die if smoking pattern now continuously!


Smoking can cause addiction. Smoking at first started curious result, however when effect nikoton in cigarette give its effect be addiction.


-Lung cancer
-COAD result 's tiredness and emphysema
-Acute myocardial infarction iskaemia
-Damaged at blood vessel spt peripheral vascular diseases
-Bladder cancer
-Semen not normal
-Weak memory
-If pregnant with child can be hindered development
-Increase injury risk in young in included
-Damage risk respiratory system in infants or small children
-Risk catch variety cancer type @ cancer increa


group; manjai

the important of being a human...

Involving in such many programme in insep actually give us many advantage and useful experience which it may come handy in another day. All of these programme have their own objectives, own goal…with the main is to make us became more better and better…team building, smart team, final project, even group and individual assignment, it was designed to improve our intrapersonal,interpersonal and communication skill as early preparation to us starting our carrier in field work.
Talking about programme, there are one programme that attracting me…charity show..why?, because this programme is involving other community…anak yatim and kanak-kanak kurang upaya…it bringing back an old memories, when they were participates at Fptek programme…that was the day when there no wall separate us with them, we laugh and have fun together…try to understanding and appreciate one another, trying to convince that they are not alone in this world…what a such sweet memories eh?..otherwise, looking at the orphanage, make me realized, that we were still lucky because have a parent. From the conversation with their warden, I was told that these children are lost their parent when they still young. I can imagine how they are forced to accept their lost at such earlier age..the the hardest thing is to realized that the person who close to them are not here anymore…I get gain this experience from being the closest friend to one of them…and I know about the environment they through at…to be someone with no parent.
So I hope all us can appreciate our parent sacrifice. Remember, without them, w can’t be here now. All of us will going back to berhari raya, so don’t forget to apologize to them and Insyaallah, we will get blessing living in the this world.
That all for all my mumbling, I wish all the best for you guys…to miss fazita, thank you very much ti guidance us..and selamat hari raya…NOR HILMI BIN MOHAMED,FEC09010182

MALAYSIAN vs EUROPEAN fever soccer flavour


Asia Tour 2009 launched by Manchester United football club. This event roughly seems to be to attract interest asian soccer fanatic fan closely watch their superstar playing in front of them. But indirectly, they want to generate their club financing, who knows by the ticket price and the big income, merchandise. When they (Manchester United) came to Malaysia, the malaysia soccer environment turn to change the climate. The media aggressively promoted the advertisement to tell all citizen that the big jumbo club or richest club in the world will come to Malaysia!.

Organizing by ProEvent, the ticket price stated 28-300 Ringgit Malaysia. But the Malaysian soccer fanatic, in malay called “kipas susah mati” struggle to buy the ticket even the price is too expensive. They came from all places. I am sure Malaysia Football Association, FAM surprised that the National Stadium fully seated for every ten years or something. Even Piala Sumbangsih between Malaysia versus asian country, the seat not totally full by supporters.

Fortunately, I bought the ticket from the seller in Plaza Kotaraya Johor Bahru. It was an excited week in my life. It was the last days remaining to reach 18th July 2009, I got the ticket 3 days before the game start!. I bought for two (not for my girlfriend but my real fan soccer partner, my brother in law). Guest, the tickets not RM300 or RM28. It was RM58, the moderate price. The cheapest ticket you buy, the far seat you got. The 18th July was Saturday, so by Friday I take a bus to Kuala Lumpur to my sister’s house.

When I arrived in Pudu, I saw 1:10 persons wear a red shirt. Doesn’t matter the type or printed in their shirt, but the colour must red. I feel like this is the way the European show their fanatism in soccer. But the condition was so hot in Pudu, it make me wake up from dreaming. In my way to Gombak, also the same situation in KL Sentral and in the train. There were foreigners wears red shirt, Indian, Chinese and Malay. But I wear blue Japan National Football Team shirt, I think they don’t know me we have same soccer club fan.

The Kick Off-Day was come. After lunched, we start to prepare. I wear an orange shirt while my brother in law wear MU jersey. The reason is, I support both team, so I wear orange. Red(MU)+Yellow(Malaysia)=orange. The kick off start at 1730h. I told him to go Bukit Jalil by his bike, he refuse and he told me to go by his mpv. One mpv only for two?. What I am thought came, traffic jammed. But he knows the shortcut but still jammed. The clock show 1630h, the pressure came.

Suddenly, in the traffic jammed, we heard police siren, when I turn my head to left, I saw an Audi SUV with black tinted beside our mpv, I still can to see inside, and then we saw David Gill and Alex Ferguson!!! Who knows we are lucky to see them, the big director and coach for MU! They pass thru us.

And the big moment in my life was, the bus that bringing MU players just behind the Audi SUV!. We saw the players inside, they so close. We can see them!. Before this, we can see them only in media, but at that time, God knows. My brother in law screaming, I don’t know who older at that time. He told me to open the window. We saw Micheal Carrick, Micheal Owen, Scholes, the shine head (I think their coach) and the lastly Rio Ferdinand. I told Rio that MU is great, thumbs up, and Rio reply with thumbs up also, God knows, we screaming again, I just scream, I don’t believe it. The bus pass thru us, suddenly an escort with fully black suit plus shades, scolded us because take a MU players picture, we not scared. We take a breath after screaming.

Then, we arrived at National Stadium Bukit Jalil. 99.1% wears MU shirt, seems like at Old Trafford Manchester! I don’t saw a Malaysia shirt. Until entered the collected ticket gate, I saw only a few supporters wears Malaysia shirt. Where is the patriotism? Are we in Europe or Malaysia? I ask myself.

We got third floor in the stadium, the National Stadium crowded by the Red Shirt giant. Only one side about 20 supporters that wears Malaysia jersey. We have no seat! Just stand up and seat at floor, still can see the field. MU players were took a stretching with shooting and passing whiles the crowded screaming when Rooney take a mock penalty.

The game start, man utd red and Malaysia in a blue shirt. I don’t want to tell about my feeling at that time, only the person at that place can only feel the passion, pressure and excitement. Malaysia lost with honour, 2-3. The supporters didn’t believe that Malaysian players can score 2 times. Although there were sound bite told that Amri Yahyah (Malaysia Player) just take an advantage for the goalie error, I think that Amri Yahyah was a great player and Man Utd goalie was over confident.

I don’t want too much explain on Man Utd game. They already great. They played with slow mode because Malaysian players were too much time to think when to pass the ball. I remember that, after Malaysia, they played against FC Seoul. The game was so energetic, like Barclays Premier League. The Korean play with full of energy within 90 minutes.

I don’t want to underestimate Malaysian footballer, just to remind me and all Malaysian to upgrade our Football game. Bosnia Herzegovina wake up after war can build up their team because of patriotism. Iraq within time their in war, they can build their team to pass the preliminary world cup qualification. I love Malaysia, my country, I just want to see one of our player be the asian best footballer beating Park Ji Sung (Korea), Nakamura (Japan), Cahill (Australia), Mohamad Zidan (Egypt). Amri Yahyah can do it for us.

This is the way that I can differentiate between Malaysian and European soccer fan. In Malaysia, they just scream and scream, they did not sing a club song or something that encourage the spirit of the players. In Europe, they can synchronize automatically to sing a spirit song like “glory glory man united 3x, and the rest go marching ho ho ho!”. I only heard “owen! owen!”, the supporters urge SAF to bring Owen on the pitch. That’s all from my lucky moment in my life. I hope my classmate and especially lecturer Miss Fazita feel my passion about this moment. I was enjoying all the day with fully hearted!! Thank you. FROM MAN UTD DIE HARD FAN: MOHD HILMI BIN MOHD TAHRIR FEC09010180


True. God had given band and particular colour for every human. He is "Maha Esa"have created earth, sky, heaven, stars, month and rain. God also those create human. Give sense mind and sense to understand condition of all matter..

The human are not at all of a sudden world, does not grow with trees and strange creatures before they. As human(me) they will definitely in guess, in give happy, in care sense of disappointment wound, and in give map. Occasionally be which part may be eliminated outline. Usually is part only in rencanakan forward lead their reality time, and "Tuhan" more determining..

The map be angle already in scratch, and be still vacant vertex wait for hour for at draw. True, frequent God own secret...

Until arrived then, new knocked aware and regrets with all...

mohd zamri bin mahamud...fec09010178...

Creating Rich People

  1. How to be a millionaire?
    This new modern world, we don't have to go to the office for making money. Don't believe me? Then read my story about some people in the world who get riches by you. We are who gave them money, we are who make them rich. Almost everyone who use internet doesn't know they can make money from it. And then, lets the story begin...
  2. The Story begin.
    One men really got stressed by all loan that he made, then one day he try to figure out something that can help him to pay all his debt. He try everything, until he find this brilliant business. And it's internet business chance, so he learn everything about it. And now that man can smile and live happily. The reality is more than this, trust me!
  3. The king of money
    Who is the king of money? me? you? or we are? This question is must when you thinking of getting rich! Don't underestimate the power of question, lot of billionaire in this world success from their own question. Of course the positive one. So when you planning on making good wealth, do ask yourself some good question. Try it and see the different..

    Mohd Redzwan Al-Hafidz Bin Bahro/

diploma executive challenge??


---RKA 09---

~~~~~~~sWeET mEMoRIeS~~~~~~~


Assalamualaikum... Actually, this is a first time i write on this blog. I want to share information about a H1N1 Flu. H1N1 is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This new virus was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009. This virus is spreading from person-to-person worldwide, probably in much the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread. On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) signaled that a pandemic of 2009 H1N1 flu was underway. This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs (swine) in North America. But further study has shown that this new virus is very different from what normally circulates in North American pigs. It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and bird (avian) genes and human genes. Scientists call this a "quadruple reassortant" virus. That’s all the information about H1N1 flu. I hope all of you will able to take care of your self and free from this virus. At this moment, I would like to thanks to my entire lecturer and all my friends (RKA’s student). I hope you will success in your industrial training. Lastly, "Selamat Berpuasa"..."Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri".."Maaf Zahir dan Batin"..
.........Sarimah ahmad saidi…


Actually I dont know what to write in this blog . Just expression only. After completed INSEP program, many things that I was get. I can improve myself better, I think more forward than before. Thanks to those involved in the success of this program.

Also thanks to cik fazita for guide to our students rka . Dont forget the students may rka particularly successful with all of you better in the future. May learn what the user can be made in travel is still long. Hopefully we will meet again with success.

Finally safe fast and safe to celebrate hari raya aidilfitri. Sorry pure

prepared by_ Mohd Shaifudden B. Mohd Yusoff


What is retrenchment? Retrenchment is cut down employee by employer to save cost. That is happen now days because of the inconsistency world economy and it will be continuing for a couple year. Based on economy expert 2010, it means next year the effects will more impress for employee. So that it will more retrenchment for next year. So as a employee or fresh graduat what we had to do? Here is a few advice or suggestion.

Continue study
Take this opportunity to enhance your skill and knowledge. You can continue study at high stage such us master or PHD, or if you want something new you can attend a course like INSEP. It will develop and enhance your skill and it call to add a value in yourself.

You also can involve in entrepreneurship. One of the successful businessmen in Malaysia is who are tried to develop a business in inconsistency economy era and it is proven. So if you have a big interested why not you attend the entrepreneur programs perform such as by SMEDEC in collaboration with Ministry Of Sport and Youth.

As a safety pace we must have a fund. It will help when we need it. We don’t know when we will be retrenchment or we are the one who will be fired. With that it will accommodate our everyday lifestyle at least for three month before we get a new job. So make sure you have a money fund.

Part Time Job

Now day it have a lot of product sale in multi level marketing (MLM) such as Alpha Lipid, One Drop Perfume and other product. The income from sealing that is very amazing. So, you will try it. First you can sale around your friend or your collages then slowly you make your network.

It is a several suggestion from me, but it all in your hand, you will make the decisions. At last I hope our economy will stable as soon as possible. So that no more jobless for Malaysian workers or graduate.


The Star

Prepaid by :

10 SEPTEMBER 2009 @ 14.59 pm

Thursday, September 10, 2009

group: Heryanti

Heryanti, Siti Talhah & Nik

group: Heryanti

Heryanti, Siti Talhah & Nik

group: Heryanti

Heryanti, Siti Talhah & Nik



I am the one of participant of this program.

Actually this program are very bored at the starting but after class starting its very fun to me.

My course is Networking Computer and Application under of Electric and Electronic Faculty.

In the beginning of the class situation stabil but after a few week situation become stress hehehe...because many assignment and project plus cec program, but its we fault because like do the work last minit. Although all assigment and project done with succesfully and RKA win 2 final project from 4 place. In this chance i would like to say thank you to all my lecutre, Miss fazita, Pn Faezah, En Syamsul, En Shahrir, En Helmi, Pn Suraya, Pn Nik, Miss Munirah, En Hamim, Pn Aisyah, Pn Zarina, Engr Chew, Engr Cheesda and all technition..

Pray we all success...

Ahmad Zulkifli bin Mohd Nor

My Dream

My Dream

I was told by my parents that when my mom was nine months pregnant whit me, they were listing numbers of name that will be given to me. When the time has arrived after waiting almost 38 weeks. I was ready to see the world with God Willing. I was born on 7th January 1985 at Hospital Besar Melaka.

My parents have decided to name me Mohd Ezaq Ekmal Bin Mahad. I’ve gone through a happy life with my sibling which are 6 all together. Being the youngest son to a loving couple, Mahad Bin Hj.Jantan and Daliyah Bte Hj.Doraman, I have been given the best education that they could.

I received my early education at Tadika Paya Rumput Jaya, Melaka in 1991.after a year there, I then when to Sekolah Kebangsaan Tangga Batu,Melaka From standard 1 to standard 6, which is in year 1992 to 1997/I passed my UPSR examination and proceed to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sungai Udang Melaka. I sat my PMR examination in 2000 and completed my secondary education in 2002 after my SPM.

The I went to Institut Kemahiran Mara Lumut,Perak. I was doing my Civil Engineering for almost 1 years 6month and get my certificate early this year. After that I tried to apply IT course with God Willing, I was offer to further my studies at Kolej Poly Tech Mara Batu Pahat,Johor in Diploma In Information Technology for 2 years and 6 month. After that in 2009 I gain knowledge again at Universiti Tun Huseein Onn to get Diploma Executive System Computer & Application.

I was overjoyed when I received the after letter. At that moment, realized that my dream has come true. I’ am so much into computer and information Technology. This is the great opportunity for me to fulfill my dream. I want to be and expert in IT. Why? it has been my passion since I was in school.

I hope that I will completed my Diploma Executive by the next and first perhaps with flaying colors want to be a good soon success in IT, and contribute something to my religion, race, country and nation. I hope these will not been just a dream

Your Sincerely,
Mohd Ezaq Ekmal Bin Mahad
System Computer & Aplication

i want to campaign "Prosumer Concept" among INSEP 2009

Nowdays, people talks about the H1N1 desease, economy downsize, salary, retrenchment, mat rempit and a lots about social problems. I very concern of these current issue, and i like to analys and take part to help our society to open their mind.

First of all, i do my part to take action by joining the Industrial Skills Enhancement Programme (INSEP) organize by Continuing Education Center, UTHM. I gain a lots of new experients, new knowledge for myself, new colleagues and new envirolment of information for myself. I am happy and enjoy to follow all the activities that arrange by CEC.

By the same time, i am not forget to stick with my desire to campaign the concept of Prosumer Power. Why, i am very keen to explain this concept to my new colleagues, because i had read more than two times the books that wrote by Dr. Burke Hedges regarding the consumer and producer.

What i understand from his writing is, all of us are a good consumer. We can buy and buy using our own money, but not all of us can think how to become producer. It is because, when we think how to become producer, we must think every single angle of perspective to gain income. Become a consumer is easy. Just go to the retail shop or shopping complex or hypermarket, you walk around, what ever you like you can pick and pay. It's simple way to finish your money.
I'm right? (hahahahahar) It is true... if you not this kind of person. You can try go to any shopping complex or hyper market. You can look and see your friends, siblings or office mate shopping. Sometimes, they forgot about other things are more important rather than go shopping and finish their money.

With the simple concept i gain from that book, i understand that all of us can become better consumer by the same time we are smart producer.
Maybe.. you will remind me.. is that a real concept. YES..!!!
This is real concept and practically successful.
A lot of people around the world are eager to understand and practice the prosumer concept.
The name of "PROSUMER" come from combination of Producer and Consumer. You are the producer by the same time you are also consumer.

Become a prosumer you can generate income by recommanding the product that you use to your siblings, friends, colleagues, officemate and etc. I am sure you will enjoy with this concept when you happy with that product and then you you will confident to remmand and share your experients about that products to the others.

I am really really sure, and full confidents when we can make appointment to discuss about this concept to you. It will change your mind and thought about shopping habits. These new habits about shopping will relate with others social issues that can make better live for our life.
I am availabale to share this concept to all of you anywhere, anytime.
I like to see, we can together make new habits of shopping among Malaysians. I believe within 5 years from now, all malays can achieve new income with this prosumer concept. When malays have better income and gain new habits how to manage their money. Automatically, we can handle our social problems among us. It's also can improve our life for spritiual, physical, emotional and feeling among us.

Thank you spending your time read my short articel. I trust you can gain this concept by browsing to google. Search using words "prosumer" you can get details information about this concept. I believe we can work together to make sure this concept successful among malays in Malaysians. Thank you.

written by: Wahyudi bin Haji Mohd Yatim 810705-01-5363
contact number: 016 327 7515
company: Deen Wahyu Enterprise, 209-3, Pt.Subari, Pt Yusof, Semerah, Muar

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


WiMAX, meaning Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, is a telecommunications technology that provides wireless transmission of data using a variety of transmission modes, from point-to-multipoint links to portable and fully mobile internet access. The technology provides up to 3 Mbit/s [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] broadband speed without the need for cables. The technology is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard (also called Broadband Wireless Access). The name "WiMAX" was created by the WiMAX Forum, which was formed in June 2001 to promote conformity and interoperability of the standard. The forum describes WiMAX as "a standards-based technology enabling the delivery of last mile wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable and DSL".[13]

What Is WiMax?
by Mike Wolleben — last modified 2009-08-14 10:39 AM

WiMAX is a wireless digital communications system, also known as IEEE 802.16, that is intended for wireless "metropolitan area networks". WiMAX can provide broadband wireless access (BWA) up to 30 miles (50 km) for fixed stations, and 3 - 10 miles (5 - 15 km) for mobile stations. In contrast, the WiFi/802.11 wireless local area network standard is limited in most cases to only 100 - 300 feet (30 - 100m).

With WiMAX, WiFi-like data rates are easily supported, but the issue of interference is lessened. WiMAX operates on both licensed and non-licensed frequencies, providing a regulated environment and viable economic model for wireless carriers.

WiMAX can be used for wireless networking in much the same way as the more common WiFi protocol. WiMAX is a second-generation protocol that allows for more efficient bandwidth use, interference avoidance, and is intended to allow higher data rates over longer distances.

The IEEE 802.16 standard defines the technical features of the communications protocol. The WiMAX Forum offers a means of testing manufacturer's equipment for compatibility, as well as an industry group dedicated to fostering the development and commercialization of the technology. provides a focal point for consumers, service providers, manufacturers, analysts, and researchers who are interested in WiMAX technology, services, and products. Soon, WiMAX will be a very well recognized term to describe wireless Internet access throughout the world.

WiMAX Technology

WiMAX is the next-generation of wireless technology designed to enable pervasive, high-speed mobile Internet access to the widest array of devices including notebook PCs, handsets, smartphones, and consumer electronics such as gaming devices, cameras, camcorders, music players, and more. As the fourth generation (4G) of wireless technology, WiMAX delivers low-cost, open networks and is the first all IP mobile Internet solution enabling efficient and scalable networks for data, video, and voice. As a major driver in the support and development of WiMAX, Intel has designed embedded WiMAX solutions for a variety of mobile devices supporting the future of high-speed broadband on-the-go.



News On TV4


The Tsunami Story
Tsunami is a set of ocean waves caused by any large, abrupt disturbance of the sea-surface. If the disturbance is close to the coastline, local tsunamis can demolish coastal communities within minutes. A very large disturbance can cause local devastation AND export tsunami destruction thousands of miles away. The word tsunami is a Japanese word, represented by two characters: tsu, meaning, "harbor", and nami meaning, "wave". Tsunamis rank high on the scale of natural disasters. Since 1850 alone, tsunamis have been responsible for the loss of over 420,000 lives and billions of dollars of damage to coastal structures and habitats. Most of these casualties were caused by local tsunamis that occur about once per year somewhere in the world. For example, the December 26, 2004, tsunami killed about 130,000 people close to the earthquake and about 58,000 people on distant shores. Predicting when and where the next tsunami will strike is currently impossible. Once the tsunami is generated, forecasting tsunami arrival and impact is possible through modeling and measurement technologies.
Generation. Tsunamis are most commonly generated by earthquakes in marine and coastal regions. Major tsunamis are produced by large (greater than 7 on the Richer scale), shallow focus (< 30km depth in the earth) earthquakes associated with the movement of oceanic and continental plates. They frequently occur in the Pacific, where dense oceanic plates slide under the lighter continental plates. When these plates fracture they provide a vertical movement of the seafloor that allows a quick and efficient transfer of energy from the solid earth to the ocean (try the animation in Figure 1). When a powerful earthquake (magnitude 9.3) struck the coastal region of Indonesia in 2004, the movement of the seafloor produced a tsunami in excess of 30 meters (100 feet) along the adjacent coastline killing more than 240,000 people. From this source the tsunami radiated outward and within 2 hours had claimed 58,000 lives in Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India.
Underwater landslides associated with smaller earthquakes are also capable of generating destructive tsunamis. The tsunami that devastated the northwestern coast of Papua New Guinea on July 17, 1998, was generated by an earthquake that registered 7.0 on the Richter scale that apparently triggered a large underwater landslide. Three waves measuring more than 7 meter high struck a 10-kilometer stretch of coastline within ten minutes of the earthquake/slump. Three coastal villages were swept completely clean by the deadly attack leaving nothing but sand and 2,200 people dead. Other large-scale disturbances of the sea -surface that can generate tsunamis are explosive volcanoes and asteroid impacts. The eruption of the volcano Krakatoa in the East Indies on Aug. 27, 1883 produced a 30-meter tsunami that killed over 36,000 people. In 1997, scientists discovered evidence of a 4km diameter asteroid that landed offshore of Chile approximately 2 million years ago that produced a huge tsunami that swept over portions of South America and Antarctica.

Figure 2. Click to see the propagation of the December 24, 2004 Sumatra tsunami.

Wave Propagation.Because earth movements associated with large earthquakes are thousand of square kilometers in area, any vertical movement of the seafloor immediately changes the sea-surface. The resulting tsunami propagates as a set of waves whose energy is concentrated at wavelengths corresponding to the earth movements (~100 km), at wave heights determined by vertical displacement (~1m), and at wave directions determined by the adjacent coastline geometry. Because each earthquake is unique, every tsunami has unique wavelengths, wave heights, and directionality (Figure 2 shows the propagation of the December 24, 2004 Sumatra tsunami.) From a tsunami warning perspective, this makes the problem of forecasting tsunamis in real time daunting.
Warning Systems. Since 1946, the tsunami warning system has provided warnings of potential tsunami danger in the pacific basin by monitoring earthquake activity and the passage of tsunami waves at tide gauges. However, neither seismometers nor coastal tide gauges provide data that allow accurate prediction of the impact of a tsunami at a particular coastal location. Monitoring earthquakes gives a good estimate of the potential for tsunami generation, based on earthquake size and location, but gives no direct information about the tsunami itself. Tide gauges in harbors provide direct measurements of the tsunami, but the tsunami is significantly altered by local bathymetry and harbor shapes, which severely limits their use in forecasting tsunami impact at other locations. Partly because of these data limitations, 15 of 20 tsunami warnings issued since 1946 were considered false alarms because the tsunami that arrived was too weak to cause damage.

Figure 3. Click to see a real-time deep ocean tsunami detection system responding to a tsunami generated by seismic activity.

Forecasting impacts. Recently developed real-time, deep ocean tsunami detectors (Figure 3) will provide the data necessary to make tsunami forecasts. The November 17, 2003, Rat Is. tsunami in Alaska provided the most comprehensive test for the forecast methodology. The Mw 7.8 earthquake on the shelf near Rat Islands, Alaska, generated a tsunami that was detected by three tsunameters located along the Aleutian Trench-the first tsunami detection by the newly developed real-time tsunameter system. These real-time data combined with the model database (Figure 4) were then used to produce the real-time model tsunami forecast. For the first time, tsunami model predictions were obtained during the tsunami propagation, before the waves had reached many coastlines. The initial offshore forecast was obtained immediately after preliminary earthquake parameters (location and magnitude Ms = 7.5) became available from the West Coast/Alaska TWC (about 15-20 minutes after the earthquake). The model estimates provided expected tsunami time series at tsunameter locations. When the closest tsunameter recorded the first tsunami wave, about 80 minutes after the tsunami, the model predictions were compared with the deep-ocean data and the updated forecast was adjusted immediately..
These offshore model scenarios were then used as input for the high-resolution inundation model for Hilo Bay. The model computed tsunami dynamics on several nested grids, with the highest spatial resolution of 30 meters inside the Hilo Bay (Figure 5). None of the tsunamis produced inundation at Hilo, but all of them recorded nearly half a meter (peak-to-trough) signal at Hilo gage. Model forecast predictions for this tide gage are compared with observed data in Figure 5. The comparison demonstrates that amplitudes, arrival time and periods of several first waves of the tsunami wave train were correctly forecasted. More tests are required to ensure that the inundation forecast will work for every likely-to-occur tsunami. When implemented, such forecast will be obtained even faster and would provide enough lead time for potential evacuation or warning cancellation for Hawaii and the U.S. West Coast.

Figure 4. Rat Island, Alaska Tsunami of November 17, 2003, as measured at the tsunameter located at 50 N 171 W in 4700 m water depth.

Figure 5. Coastal forecast at Hilo, HI for 2003 Rat island, showing comparison of the forecasted (red line) and measured (blue line) gage data.

Reduction of impact. The recent development of real-time deep ocean tsunami detectors and tsunami inundation models has given coastal communities the tools they need to reduce the impact of future tsunamis. If these tools are used in conjunction with a continuing educational program at the community level, at least 25% of the tsunami related deaths might be averted. By contrasting the casualties from the 1993 Sea of Japan tsunami with that of the 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami, we can conclude that these tools work. For the Aonae, Japan case about 15% of the population at risk died from a tsunami that struck within 10 minutes of the earthquake because the population was educated about tsunamis, evacuation plans had been developed, and a warning was issued. For the Warapa, Papua New Guinea case about 40% of the at risk population died from a tsunami that arrived within 15 minutes of the earthquake because the population was not educated, no evacuation plan was available, and no warning system existed.
Eddie N. Bernard


Bernard, E.N. (1998): Program aims to reduce impact of tsunamis on Pacific states. Eos Trans. AGU, 79(22), 258, 262-263.
Bernard, E.N. (1999): Tsunami. Natural Disaster Management, Tudor Rose, Leicester, England, 58-60.
Synolakis, C., P. Liu, G. Carrier, H. Yeh, Tsunamigenic Sea-Floor Deformations, Science, 278, 598-600, 1997.
Dudley, Walter C., and Min Lee (1998): Tsunami! Second Edition, University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, Hawaii.


ROW OVER ‘PIRATE TAXIS’ On 8th September 2009 in Keningau Sabah a JKKK chairman and village chief Kampung Mampokan have been accused of operating pirate taxis and more than 20 illegal operators including illegal immigrants and IMM13 holders who are operating from the terminal (pictured right) meant for the Upper Interior Sook Public Transport Operator’ Association.The claim was made by the association’s chairman Jupiri Bin Barahim.
“This has severely affected the income of the association members who are licensed to operate the service,” he lamented yesterday.
“These pirate taxi operators have no respect for us and the law and they appear to have already controlled the terminal which is meant only for our members,” Jupiri further claimed.
According to him, these pirate taxi drivers would offer lower fares to attract passengers.For instance, association members charge RM8 per passenger for a trip from Keningau to Terusmadi but the illegal operators only charged RM6.
“We are unable to compete,” he said.
Jupiri also claimed that the illegal pirate taxi operators were impolite and their behaviour had often resulted in quarrels between them and the association members.Jupiri also claimed they have reported this long-standing problem to the authorities concerned but no action was taken so far.A member of the association said: “The mater has been reported to JPJ (Road Transport Department) and the police…but nothing has been done.”Another association member who did not wish to be quoted claimed that illegal immigrants and holders of the IMM13 document were among the illegal taxi drivers.
“The authorities must look into this matter seriously,” he pointed out.
Meanwhile, a New Sabah Times survey at the terminal showed that the association members were outnumbered by the pirate taxi operators.



I have a friend. I love my friend. Life is like a journey many osbtacle we have to face. everywhere we go, we will meet new friend and leave old friend. Friend will come and go. No one will stay. But only the memory will stay. As i am 24 now. Many kinds of friend i have met. From different cultures to different countries but only one is same that is TRUST. When we meet new people of course we trust that people right? But actually we didn't know they such like what. When i am study Politeknik i met this new friend. For the first time in my life i met someone that really care, much experience, strong, positive always, friendly. I really solute her. 1st sem with her teach me many thing. 2nd sem with her, i learnt many thing. 3rd sem with her i apply what i've saw and experience along with her. 4th sem with her now i know what i want. Now in INSEP with her i can see many different in me, in her and all people. Now i want to say "along my 2 years in politeknik and INSEP with you, i love you my friend". You are one in a million. This is my second story about my friend. I met him at Politeknik. We become close after 3 sem together. Until people will ask me if i'm alone "where is your best friend?" and people will ask me everything about him. That is past. Now he meet new friend. Maybe there is no "me" in his life. But i really hope that he will always remember me. Really miss that moment. That all my story about my 2 important friend so far.

  • Mutmainah Jazulli
  • FEC 09010165
  • RKA

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mock Interview Session

On the 12 & 13 August 2009, the Interview Skills was held by the experts from Senior Manager of HR Petronas. They share their experience and advise on how to survive during interview.On top of that i was among the top 12 who were listed for the mock interview session.

Thank you very much to all of you.

by: 016 327 7515

Iron Team from RKA 2009

The event of INSEP Conferement Ceremony 2008 was held successfully. The iron team of RKA course wish to thank all of those who involved.. thank you very much to all of our friends, lectrurers, CEC staff, seniors, UCiTV team and those who are directly and indirectly contributed to the successful of this event. Thank you very much again.

from left: wahyudi mohd yatim, heryanti kaman and sharizad razali.

hello everybody... how are you?

Assalamualaikum.. to all my beloved friends and Cik Fazita.

since friday, 14 August untill yesterday, i got fever and also rest my eyes from meet all bloggers. For few days.. i only meet my bed. :-)
for few days... information regarding current issue i got only from mainstream media. all are suck information i got.

so.... lets we begin latest info and agenda in the cyberview world.
thank you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

life in the middle of surrounded facemask

the H1 N1 wave has strucked the whole world of realising how important that we need to be aware of our living world now. if one feel that he/she is save from everything its not coz we never knew what might happen to us any minutes from now. since the outbreak of the flu i never stop thinking if i could be infected by it...well its true that at one time i thought that its not going to be that serious BUT i was wrong..i feel something is not right coz i can start seeing people in my workplace started wearing the facemask (N95 the model)almost everywhere and today i got one (foc of coz)that was given by the health centre. i am begining to think that the air that i breathe here is not safe anymore and guess that the whole world is not safe anymore. i am suffocating...




Can you name the 3 most important things when giving any presentation?

Number 1 is . . . Preparation
Number 2 is . . . Preparation!
Number 3 is . . . Preparation!!
Preparation is everything!

With good preparation and planning you will be totally confident and less nervous. And your audience will feel your confidence. Your audience, too, will be confident. They will be confident in you. And this will give you control. Control of your audience and of your presentation. With control, you will be 'in charge' and your audience will listen positively to your message.

Before you start to prepare a presentation, you should ask yourself: "Why am I making this presentation?" Do you need to inform, to persuade, to train or to sell? Your objective should be clear in your mind. If it is not clear in your mind, it cannot possibly be clear to your audience.

"Who am I making this presentation to?" Sometimes this will be obvious, but not always. You should try to inform yourself. How many people? Who are they? Business people? Professional people? Political people? Experts or non-experts? Will it be a small, intimate group of 4 colleagues or a large gathering of 400 competitors? How much do they know already and what will they expect from you?

"Where am I making this presentation?" In a small hotel meeting-room or a large conference hall? What facilities and equipment are available? What are the seating arrangements?

Time and length
"When am I making this presentation and how long will it be?" Will it be 5 minutes or 1 hour? Just before lunch, when your audience will be hungry, or just after lunch, when your audience will be sleepy?

How should I make this presentation?" What approach should you use? Formal or informal? Lots of visual aids or only a few? Will you include some anecdotes and humour for variety?

"What should I say?" Now you must decide exactly what you want to say. First, you should brainstorm your ideas. You will no doubt discover many ideas that you want to include in your presentation. But you must be selective. You should include only information that is relevant to your audience and your objective. You should exclude all other ideas. You also need to create a title for your presentation (if you have not already been given a title). The title will help you to focus on the subject. And you will prepare your visual aids, if you have decided to use them. But remember, in general, less is better than more (a little is better than a lot). You can always give additional information during the questions after the

A well organised presentation with a clear structure is easier for the audience to follow. It is therefore more effective. You should organise the points you wish to make in a logical order. Most presentations are organised in three parts, followed by questions:

Short introduction
welcome your audience
introduce your subject
explain the structure of your presentation
explain rules for questions

Body of presentation
present the subject itself

Short conclusion
summarise your presentation
thank your audience
invite questions

Questions and Answers

When you give your presentation, you should be - or appear to be - as spontaneous as possible. You should not read your presentation! You should be so familiar with your subject and with the information that you want to deliver that you do not need to read a text. Reading a text is boring! Reading a text will make your audience go to sleep! So if you don't have a text to read, how can you remember to say everything you need to say? With notes. You can create your own system of notes. Some people make notes on small, A6 cards. Some people write down just the title of each section of their talk. Some people write down keywords to remind them. The notes will give you confidence, but because you will have prepared your presentation fully, you may not even need them!

Rehearsal is a vital part of preparation. You should leave time to practise your presentation two or three times. This will have the following benefits:
you will become more familiar with what you want to say
you will identify weaknesses in your presentation
you will be able to practise difficult pronunciations
you will be able to check the time that your presentation takes and make any necessary modifications

So prepare, prepare, prepare! Prepare everything: words, visual aids, timing, equipment. Rehearse your presentation several times and time it. Is it the right length? Are you completely familiar with all your illustrations? Are they in the right order? Do you know who the audience is? How many people? How will you answer difficult questions? Do you know the room? Are you confident about the equipment? When you have answered all these questions, you will be a confident, enthusiastic presenter ready to communicate the subject of your presentation to an eager audience.